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[Fwd: FW: The Developer of the Hutchens Device Has Developed a

Subject: [Fwd: FW: The Developer of the Hutchens Device Has Developed a
From: John Lieberman <>
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2005 19:30:38 -0600
Hey, All!

I received the following News Release today and thought it might be of 
interest to some of you.

John (Old Fartz & TLS #37) Lieberman


The Developer of the Hutchens Device Has Developed a New Series of
Safety Solutions for All Racers

(PRWEB) December 13, 2005 -- Safety Solutions, Inc. a Mooresville, NC
Corporation has released a new Head and Neck restraint system for the
Racing Industry. The developer of the Hutchens device, and the only
strap Head and Neck Safety System used in Nascar has developed a new
series of Safety Solutions for all Racers. Mr. Trevor Ashline President
of Safety Solutions, Inc. comments, We have added new top performing
devices for this upcoming racing season. With the competitive nature of
racing, drivers cannot afford to risk injury.

With over two hundred-sled tests, we learned what it really takes to
keep a driver safe in a single or Multiple Impact Crash from all angle
of impact. There is a lot to be learned from the Crashes in racing
accidents; so we applied the Data along with Hundreds of sled test data
to develop this new device.

The Hutchens Device II Pro was the next natural step from the Original
Hutchens Device. Says Ashline. We were able to apply what we had
learned from thousands of races and developed a comfortable device that
will protect the driver without standing in the way of the Racers
ability to Race. All of our Head and Neck Safety Devices are SFI 38.1
rated and tested at70 Gs.

In the highly competitive sport of racing the drivers need to protect
them selves more today than ever before. Safety Solutions, Inc.s
mission is to offer a SFI approved head and neck restraint systems at a
more cost effective price so more racers can have access to state of the
art technology. As new racing technology pushes the edge of the envelope
and the audience for racing grows; drivers need to take every precaution
to stay as safe as possible without loosing any competitive edge.

The Hutchens Device II Pro is a patented Carbon Fiber Head and Shoulder
restraint system designed to keep the driver safe in frontal and
multiple impact crashes. On the racetrack anything can happen when
drivers are this competitive," says Ashline.

For more information on these and other Safety solutions designed for
all ages you can call 1 (800) 731-4404 or go to

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