With all this talk about how the club racing sides of some SCCA regions
aren't doing so hot...
Has everyone been keeping track of the new time trials program? Level 1
looks to be a potential _huge_ win for SCCA regions... Its very similar
to the normal track day stuff, with requirements and such that seem to be
much easier to hit than club racing, both for the participant and the
In particular, the Level 1 stuff seems to make a _ton_ of sense to me...
No safety equipment other than a M90 helmet (as I understand it),
reasonable sanctioning fees ($14/car insurance, $300 sanction I think?),
SCCA memberships not required for participants (instructors are required
to be SCCA members, but the free Temp memberships are allowed), SCCA F&C
not required for cornerworking staff, etc.
Seems like the SCCA is really making the right decisions with this new
program. I bet it helps to invigorate the various club racing sides of
many SCCA regions.