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Re: Way to finance our Solo2.....

To: <>
Subject: Re: Way to finance our Solo2.....
From: Mike King <>
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2005 10:06:10 -0500
I'm honestly not at liberty to start naming names, but the understanding is
that Solo has to be a self-sufficient entity within the SCCA so it be
survive within the SCCA banner. I think we can figure who's plan this is and
why. And that has become the challenge this year; To make the National Solo
program a profitable program. Anyone see any changes in the
schedule/sites/staff/rulebook prices for this year versus other years?

Really, I just don't want us(SCCA Solo) to become another SCCA Pro/Club
Rally program. Where are they now?


On 3/21/05 9:39 AM, "Jay Mitchell" <> wrote:

> Mike King wrote:
>> With all the talk of cutbacks in SCCA Solo2 and making it live on its own
>> for it to be a viable part of the SCCA/Johnson strategy,
> Would you please share with us who has been talking about such cutbacks, and
> what they've been saying? That's a good-faith request, BTW, not a challenge.
>> It is my understanding, and someone correct me if I have bad information
>> from more than one informed person, but the Solo program sees very little or
>> none of the proceeds of our rulebook.
> I know the Regions make a profit (25-35%, IIRC) on the sale of rulebooks. How
> that portion of the proceeds is used is a matter of Regional discretion.
> Beyond
> that, I have no idea how profit from the sale of rulebooks is used.
> Jay

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