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Re: ITB Volvo 242 --> FSP?

To: Jon G Felton <>,
Subject: Re: ITB Volvo 242 --> FSP?
From: Dick Rasmussen <>
Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2005 23:03:08 -0500
At 10:31 PM 3/20/2005, Jon G Felton wrote:
>For those who might have a rulebook handy...
>At a local event, into what class would you put
>a 1978 Volvo 242 roadrace car whose last known
>SCCA logbook was issued for 2003 in ITB?
>Assuming of course that it would still qualify
>for a 2005 logbook, I'm gonna guess FSP?
>Thanks in advance-


 From the online 2005 SP rules:

Cars listed as eligible in and prepared to the current national Improved
Touring rules are permitted to compete in their respective street
prepared classes. Logbooks are not required. Neither Street Prepared
nor Improved Touring cars are permitted to interchange preparation
rules. Improved Touring cars may use tires which are eligible under
current IT rules even if they are not eligible in Street Prepared.

FSP Volvos:

120 Series (all)
140 Series (all)
160 Series (all)
1800 & P1800 & ES1800 (all)
240 Series, non-turbo (all)
260 Series (all)
700 Series (all)


Dick Rasmussen
CM 85
85 Van Diemen FF 

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