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Re: Fw: SCCA Club Racing Announces New Entry Level Track

To: Chuck <>, Matt Murray <>
Subject: Re: Fw: SCCA Club Racing Announces New Entry Level Track
From: Charlie Davis <>
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2005 13:11:52 -0800 (PST)
> Is anyone else concerned that divorcing Solo1 from
> Solo2 is the first major
> step in dropping the Solo2 program entirely? We
> already know that there was
> serious talk of deleting Prosolo this year and it
> was mentioned at the
> convention that the 2006 National Championships
> would not be at Forbes nor
> at Heartland.

The only other person that I've heard express that
opinion was someone named "Chicken Little."  Divorcing
Solo 1 from Solo 2 was an SEB idea from 2 years ago
because the 2 forms of Solo have very little in
common.  Period.


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