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RE: AutoX Radios

To: <>
Subject: RE: AutoX Radios
From: "Glen E. Thompson" <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2005 08:58:00 -0500
Chuck's observations pretty well mirror our experiences for Solo II use.
We got rid of our Motorola radios 4 years ago and are still running on
the first set of FRS radios we bought.  Batteries last for 3 to 4 events

We had to have the Motorola's repaired every couple of years for about
the cost of a FRS radio.  Antenna connection point kept breaking because
too many workers held them by the antenna.  NiCad's would also die after
3 or 4 years.  Recharging and transporting to events was also a hassle.

We use one site near an interstate and get a couple of brief
conversations from people traveling by.  This rarely last more than 1
minute.  We have some remote sites where we've never heard another

We use one site that is very long.  Maybe about 1/2 mile between workers
at the ends.  Reception has never been a problem. 

Save your money and go FRS.  A side benefit is that they can be easily
replaced at your local Best Buy or Wal-mart.  

Glen E. Thompson
Regional Executive
Blue Ridge Region SCCA

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