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RE: Equipment Truck/Trailer Question

To: "'Phil Ethier'" <>, <autox@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: RE: Equipment Truck/Trailer Question
From: "Eric Salem" <>
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2004 09:04:43 -0600
Minnesota Autosports Club has a concession trailer which we bought from
Saint Louis Region after seeing the ad here on Team.Net.

Works fine for us.  I think they wanted something bigger.

Bigger? Bigger? It's freakin' palatial. It's so big they can't let dogs and
small children in it for fear they'll never find their way out. It's so big,
the entire Nebraska Region SCCA could fit in it. It's so big, were it not
for the Safety rules, they could hold an event in it. It's so big -- well
maybe I'm getting carried away.

Anyway it's very nice.



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