I was wondering if anyone had any insight as to what might be wrong with
our timer...
At our last event, the timer first started seeing finish trips well after
the car went through the lights. I.e., car goes through the finish
lights, one or two seconds passes, then the timer beeps and displays a
finish time. We ran a new wire out to the finish light, but when we went
to plug it in, the timer died completely, no power, nothing. The charger
/ power supply had the "fast charge" led lit, and it was plugged into 110
ac the entire time.
I opened the case, no loose connectors and the internal fuse visually
appeared fine (as did the fuse on the back). I didn't have a meter, so I
couldn't check that the battery had power, whether or not the fuses were
_really_ ok, etc.
Any ideas? I was wondering if the battery gave up the ghost entirely and
that, even though it was plugged into 110 ac, the battery must be working
at least a little for the timer to operate?
Pointers as to what to check for are most appreciated. Thanks!