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Nismo Studs missing at Nationals

To: <>, <>
Subject: Nismo Studs missing at Nationals
From: <>
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2004 11:54:11 -0400
I am missing a set of Nismo 60MM studs for my 2003 350Z. They were shipped to 
the SCCA HQ on Monday the 13th. Someone picked them up from the shipping room, 
and it wasnt me.

If you have them please return them to the Solo Performance trailer in Vendors 
row so that I may utilize them this week. I had them shipped to me two day 
because I need them for Nationals.

I hope that someone either took them mistakenly or picked them up for me with 
hopes of getting them to me. 

Chris Hammond
188 BS

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