Hey, Gang,
It's that time again...
We need workers in a couple of areas on the weekend prior to the Solo 2
nationals. If you will be in Topeka and want to get your work assignment
out of the way early, we have a deal for you. We need:
Paddock workers for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
Registration workers for Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Gate Monitors for Monday
This is a great opportunity for all of you folks that can't run or stand
very long, or need or want not to stand out in the sun (or rain,
depending on what the weather gods will have to offer this year).
Please let me know asap if you are interested in any of these jobs.
Direct is best (pykac@olemiss.edu)
Also, please, pass this on to the evolution list and/or any other list
you are on that might have some nationals attendees on it.
Karen Christoff & Kim Bollinger
Your Friendly Nationals Worker Chieftesses