Folks, I'm happy to announce that Sam Strano & is
sponsoring the last Steel Cities Region test 'n tune of the season, at
BeaveRun on Saturday 8/28.
Sam will be at the event to help folks with car setup, figuring out what's
working and what isn't, etc. I suspect everyone already knows about Sam,
but he's quite knowledgable about what works and what doesn't on a
racecar... :-)
As always, we'll start the day with a skidpad and a transistional course,
then swap over to a full course later in the day. Entrants are required
to work two one hour slots, leaving around five or six hours for driving &
wrenching. I think Dave Vasko and Nick Flynn got in 50 runs in Nick's
miata at the last one evaluating tires...
Registration is limited to 30 driving slots, but we still have about ten
spots remaining. If you'd like to sign up, check out the full details at: and send me email to
(mark at sccaprepared dot com)