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Re: [evolution-disc.] autoxts and other options

To: "Glenn L. Austin" <>
Subject: Re: [evolution-disc.] autoxts and other options
From: "Will Kalman" <>
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 20:51:06 -0700
> Personally, I do something about it! ;-)
> I am writing my own T&S software that runs under Windows, Linux, and Mac
> X.  Some of the things that it will do:

Please add import and export features to that list!

My online registration application on the Cal Club Solo2 site
( generates AutoxT/S import files based on the online
registration entries for each event.

Also, event results in a machine-importable format would be great as well.
The ability to store each run for each driver in each event in a database
and display the data in different ways (index, raw time, car model, etc etc)
would be a popular feature on a club website.  People who keep track of a
yearly points competition would be your best friend! Currently our
pointskeeper - a fellow programmer - takes the AutoxT/S export file and
calculates our points which are based on an old convoluted system of
exceptions (ugh).

XML (and supporting XSD) would be fantastic for both these features!

--Will Kalman

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