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renamed - More Warranty problems

To: Larry Steckel <>
Subject: renamed - More Warranty problems
From: Scott Troyer - DDR TestEng <>
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2004 15:00:37 -0600
Yeah, must of got worn out driving to events....

Oh yeah, sorry about not editing the original title on this.


Larry Steckel wrote:

> Honda refused a sixth gear warranty fault on a S-2000 because the 
> owner runs
> SCCA events?  And I thought 3rd gear courses were a bit much. Sixth gear.
> Yoi and double Yoi!
> Larry Steckel
> >From: Scott Troyer - DDR TestEng <>
> >Reply-To: Scott Troyer - DDR TestEng <>
> >To: autox <>
> >Subject: Re: [snakeriverscca] Jerome Event - July 10 & 11
> >Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2004 12:58:34 -0600
> >
> >This is probably not news to some of you, but it sounds like not only
> >Mitsubishi
> >is giving us warranty problems but also Honda.  The following was cut
> >from our
> >local list:
> >
> > > Also, we found out at Freezeout last weekend that Charles & Merlene
> > > had the warranty on their Honda 2000 cancelled because they race with
> > > SCCA.
> > > (Shows a lot of confidence on Honda's part for the quality of their
> >cars,
> > > doesn't it?) Anyway, they had the sixth gear synchro go out, took it
> > > in for
> > > work under the warranty and found out that the warranty specifically
> > > prohibits warranty repairs for people who drive in SCCA events, and
> > > they're
> > > monitoring scores on websites to back it up. (Makes you wonder about
> > > all the
> > > ads they have portraying how fast their cars are, doesn't it?) I 
> think
> >we
> > > should make people aware of it.
> > >
> > > Apparently if you're an irresponsible jerk who is out street racing,
> >it's
> > > all right, and your warranty still covers you.
> > >
> > > Charles & Merlene had just gotten back from ordering a new Volvo in
> > > Sweden,
> > > and they plan to drive that.
> > >
> > > From what we were told, neither Mitsubishi nor Honda back their
> > > warranties
> > > if you're driving with SCCA.
> > >
> > > Kitty

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