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tire pyrometer

Subject: tire pyrometer
From: Brian <>
Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 14:12:56 -0400
Up until a few days ago, I have never really known if I am doing the
"right thing" with my tires/camber.  Well, with my GTI, it was easy.
I *ALWAYS* had way too little camber.  Chalk on the sidewalls will
only get you so far.

Now that I have an RX-8 (finally a car with ADJUSTABLE suspension) I
need a "more better" approach to my setup.  As such, I've been looking
for a decent tire pyrometer for a while.

>From what I've found, most everything doesn't fit in my budget.
Longacre & Raytek make quality products, but I'd rather not spend 300
bucks for something that is at best going to be a seat of the pants
adjustment tool for quite some time.

Then my dad reminded me of our 1/8th gas car days.  We used a Raytek
Pyrometer that he bought from Tower Hobbies.  Tower no longer sells
Raytek gear, but they do have a DuraTrax Pyrometer for 23 bucks.  So,
now I have an infrared pyrometer that fits in the ash tray of my new

If any of you want to test it out, or have a pyrometer that I can
compare/contrast with at the DC tour, please stop by and say Hi.  I'll
be the beaming idiot in the bright blue RX-8 with "Snort" logos on it.


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