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Subject: Update/backdate
From: Paul and Meredith Brown <>
Date: Tue, 11 May 2004 22:50:22 -0600
At 10:29 AM 5/11/04 -0600, wrote:
>Actually just the oposite is true. There are quite a few early 911's
>already modded to SP specs that run in PCA club racing and AutoX that
>won't come out to SCCA SoloII events because of classing. I can think of
>6 just in a town the size of Omaha. Also hot-rod early 911's are fairly
>liquid as there's a fairly active re-sale market.

Uh, right.  This completely ignores the fact that ASP and BSP are pretty 
darn close in potential. Funny, I'd think that owners of Porsches, 
especially 911s, would be insulted that their high-$$ bug was classed in 
anything but the fastest class.  If they aren't competitive in ASP, they 
aren't competitive in BSP.  Or FSP for that matter....

PCA seems to be an owners' club.  SCCA is a drivers' club.  There is no 
limit to how slowly any given car can be driven.

The funny thing about the tensioners thing is that if Porsche would just 
supercede the parts, the new ones would be legal!  Yet they persist in 
selling the old stuff.  Apparently the factory still thinks it's good 
stuff.  Since we all know German engineering is so good, how could they 
possibly have made a mistake?

And as to a special allowance for a Fiero - there are very few allowances 
made for specific cars.  If you want an allowance, what you really need to 
do is make a case for a rule change that will apply that allowance to an 
entire category.  Nobody is out to get you, but what is not going to happen 
(very often) is to make an allowance for one esoteric car that is not made 
for the other 99.98% of participants.  And this isn't 
member-friendly??  Granted, just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they 
aren't out to get you.

If '88 rear cradles are so easy to find, aren't '88 Fieros?

Paul and Meredith Brown

MR2:  "Not the easiest car in the world to work on" 

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