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Re: P.S. and N.T. Fees Go Up

To: "J & M Anderson" <>, "Mark Sirota" <>,
Subject: Re: P.S. and N.T. Fees Go Up
From: "Alan Pozner" <>
Date: Sat, 8 May 2004 11:27:16 -0400
> I reiterate: What value added does SCCA personnel onsite provide?
> John A.

Well gee whiz. Have you put on a lot of events? I have. Even a "small" 100
car event requires a team of dedicated volunteers who must give up
concentration on their own driving and prep to run the event. I am not
talking about normal worker positions where the responsibility is light and
the time investment is short. I am talking about overall responsibilty for
things like timing, scoring, posting, safety, protest, tech.

I, for one, am very happy that I only have to administer my local events.
Having been responsible for just one part of one Divisional, I can say that
it is very difficult, time consuming and frustrating. I am very happy to pay
the extra money to let professional, full-time people run these big events.
If left to volunteers and regions (or even divisions) the quality and
quantity of our major events would fall drastically.

-Alan Pozner

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