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Re: Driving Shoe Suggestions...

Subject: Re: Driving Shoe Suggestions...
From: Guy Schalnat <>
Date: Thu, 06 May 2004 20:05:31 -0400
> Second best, maybe...  The best is Tandy Leather's mocassin kit, for $7.00.
> All leather, soft sole, the closest thing to nothing that meets the rules.
> Don't try to walk the course or shag cones in them, however.
> I stopped wering them because I knew I would catch a ration of **** for
> driving a CP car in them!

When I first started driving, I was wearing Irish Softshoe Dancing shoes.  Talk 
nothing under your feet.  More feel then driving shoes, but you really don't 
want to walk
anywhere in them.

My wife (bless her) couldn't stand me wearing dance shoes and bought me some 
Truely, this was just after Bill left the company, though, so I won't speak to 
the current


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