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To: Auto Cross <>,
Subject: RevItUP
From: James Rogerson <>
Date: Tue, 04 May 2004 11:25:34 -0500
Jason Hart didn't seem to have any trouble driving with us at the 2003 
Finals.  We were all closer, but he still ran the fastest CLEAN run in the 
RX-8.  I'd have to dig up my notes, but I think Mark, Jason (from Texas), 
Mike, Karter and one other were on the same tenth and Mark was faster RAW.

And yes YOU'VE never heard of Karter Bollman.  Everyone down here knows 
him.  He's only been to Nationals twice (I think).  Last year in a borrowed 
Mini was his first decent ride.  The BMW he ran in DSP was missing so badly 
it would barely run and he still had fastest time on the second 
day.  Karter drives a 18 wheeler for a living.  He can only run AX when his 
over the road schedule allows.  Since he drives all over the US, maybe you 
should offer him a co-drive next time he's in your area.  That way he could 
actually get in some AX seat time.  Since he only runs about 3/4 of our 
events.  8^)

James Rogerson

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. 
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!". -- Benjamin Franklin. 
(1706 - 1790).

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