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DC events update update (again)

To: "'autox '" <>
Subject: DC events update update (again)
From: "Chuck" <>
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 08:20:53 -0500
More info From B. Garfield via SCCAforum:
yesterday's post in entirety-
Well, it's no shocker to the locals, but we've lost the dates from Fed Ex
again so the dates are changing...
BUT, there is some great news:

The National Tour is now scheduled for Memorial Day weekend, May 29-31st on
Lot A!! (the same lot as last year).
The ProSolo is now scheduled for the following weekend, June 4-6. However, we
are still working out which lot we will be using.

These are of course STILL tentative.

Somebody post this to, since I can't access it.


Today's addition:
Supposed to be firm within 60 days of the event.

Chuck, please post to that this is STILL tentative, it's not firm
yet. But it is firm that they will be changing.


Don't put away the erasers and white-out boys and girls. LOL!

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