Cal Club has been putting on Ladies Only Schools for many years, though
not quite the level of Evo. It has grown from 10 or 12 to 30 to 40
entrants and with a good base of former and current female National
Champions we put on a good school. We often put it on a Saturday before a
regional championship and men who enrolled someone got free entry into the
championship. Also, men that are at the event are relegated to course work
and pit crew only, and are prohibitted from any coaching or other comments.
At the end of the day, the guys are given 2 runs without course walking to
try to beat their significant other's time and if they can't, must take the
lady out to a fine dinner. Needless to say, even if they beat the time,
mysterious cones have a way of being added to their times ;-)
> Jean K. of Evolution fame wants me to offer a ladies only Evo Phase I
> will be staffed with lady instructors.
> We (Stlouis) will do this - or either Apr 30 or May 1, along with the
> Evo schools if there's enough interest. No one is onboard yet ... and I
> 12 drivers.
> Guys ..... see what your wife might say to this ... and guys, maybe if
> wife or gf is driving in the ladies only class, she won't object to you
> fine-tuning your skills in a school next door !
> First 12 ladies will get slots. and go for Saturday, May 1. Then plan
> stick around for the local regional event on Sunday, May 2.
> Gerald L. Crump, Treasurer
> St. Louis Region Solo II
> P.O. Box 429
> St. Charles, MO 63302
> (636) 946-4260
> (636) 916-0413 Fax