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Quick plug for StLouis Evo - Apr 30\May1

Subject: Quick plug for StLouis Evo - Apr 30\May1
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2004 16:22:26 EST
Several MULTIPLE National Championship drivers will be among the instructors 
for our Evolution Schools in a few short months.

Not only are we offering Phases One, Two and Three, for Solo II, there just 
happens to be a Cardinal v. Chicago Cub Baseball series that weekend - and for 
a small extra fee, you can be there too !!

Knock yourself out during the day trying to master autocross techniques, and 
knock yourself even sillier at the game on Friday nite.  Saturday nite is a 
little calmer - you're on your own ..

However, Sunday, you can put your new found driving skills to test and enter 
the scheduled local Solo event at the same location and play with the Stlouis 
crowd along with the Evo instructors who stick around just long enough to 
royally kick our ass in our own cars !!

It's fun ....  lot's of yucks .....  email me for a flyer .... one will be 
sent quickly - and you too can be a part of this ...

Gerald L. Crump, Treasurer
St. Louis Region Solo II
P.O. Box 429
St. Charles, MO 63302
(636) 946-4260
(636) 916-0413 Fax

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