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Nissan CEO in accident driving a Porsche

To: 911 post <>, General <>,
Subject: Nissan CEO in accident driving a Porsche
From: Matt Murray <>
Date: Mon, 09 Feb 2004 17:01:46 -0500
FYI (damn Porsche drivers!)
Matt Murray

Nissan CEO in accident driving a Porsche

Reuters / February 09, 2004

TOKYO -- Carlos Ghosn, the celebrity CEO of Nissan Motor Co., was
involved in a minor accident on Sunday when the Porsche he was
test-driving was in a collision with a motorcycle as he was
making a turn.

The two people on the motorcycle were only slightly injured, and
Ghosn was unhurt, a spokesman at Japan's No.3 automaker said.

"It's not uncommon for executives to test-drive competitors' cars
on weekends to evaluate them," he said, adding the Porsche
belonged to Nissan.

Medical and repair costs will be covered by insurance, and Ghosn
will not have to return to the police.

Tokyo police said the incident, which occurred in Akasaka,
central Tokyo, on Sunday morning was being treated as an accident
involving only property damage.

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