Bill, Charlie, et al,
Thanks for the emails. You both make good points. The accounts I've read in
the last 24 hours paint a pretty complete picture of the problem.
I provided the Chamber's email address for those members who want to voice an
opinion; I didn't suggest what those opinions should be. And while the AMP may
not be in the Phoenix Chamber's area, my hotel certainly was: you can be sure
that the impact of this decision reaches beyond the boundaries of the
Southwest Valley Chamber, and chambers talk to one another.
In my email to them, I wanted them to know the impact on our members of the
decision to immediately revoke the permit; was the situation really so
critical that it required immediate remedy?
I didn't comment on the permit process, or make any judgement about either
side. However, their last-minute actions had a very serious impact on many
SCCA members, and I wanted our voice to be heard somewhere in the process.
By the way, Lindsay Wilson has provided contact info for the Southwest Valley
Chamber below.
Please also send your letters to the Southwest Valley Chamber of Commerce.
This is the Chamber closest to Arizona Motorsports Park (AMP.)
It includes the cities of Goodyear and Litchfield Park which are closest to
Southwest Valley Chamber of Commerce
289 N. Litchfield Rd., Goodyear, AZ 85338
Phone: (623)932-2260 & Fax: (623)932-9057
> ----------
> From: Bill Fuhrmann
> Reply To:
> Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2004 11:00 AM
> To: Clay Turner;;
> Subject: Re: Phoenix Chamber email address
> However, if you start sending "nasty grams" based on incorrect or
> information, you discredit the point you are trying to make or may make it
> If the zoning variance was based on it only being a "private playground".
> telling them how many outsiders were planning on being there will only
> their opinion that they were lied to.
> It might help to get the wording of the variance and the owner of the
> in on the discussion so that the actual ground rules are known PLUS
> verbal assurances were made to get the variance. The written part is legal
> but if verbal assurances were made and not lived up to, that could make the
> council not want to cut the owner any slack on other things such as missing
> permits.
> From the messages that have been posted, it sounds like the owner of the
> may have shot himself in the foot.
> If I get a building permit for remodeling a bathroom, I would look like a
> if I razed my house and built a 5 million dollar replacement then
> about the city for telling me to take it down.
> >If you'd like to contact the Phoenix Chamber of Commerce, their email
> >is, according to their Web site.
> >
> >Thanks.
> >
> >Clay Turner
> >BMW M Roadster
> >BS 180
> >
> >> ----------
> >> From: Dave Kizerian
> >> Reply To: Dave Kizerian
> >> Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2004 9:36 AM
> >> To:
> >> Subject: Financial Impact - WAS - Arizona Motorsports Park
> >>
> >> One thing I think everyone that has been affected by this change should
> >> is to write the chamber of commerce for the area surrounding the AMP,
> >> let them know how much revenue they lost in ONE weekend!! Factor in
> >> food, supplies, gas, etc... Please make sure they know how this affected
> >the
> >> town!
> >>
> >> Here is a very basic minimun expense calculation for a weekend of racing
> >for
> >> me...
> >>
> >> 2 nights hotel x 60 = 120
> >> Snacks, water, groceries = 50
> >> Gas = 10
> >> Diesel = 55
> >> Restaurants = 50
> >> ----------------------->
> >> Total - 285
> >>
> >> This is about what I'd expect to spend in the immediate area if I had
> >> to the NT. I'm on a fairly tight budget, and stay at the cheaper motels,
> >but
> >> I think it's safe to say the town around the event lost a fair chunk of
> >> cash. If there were 200 competitors, and no one else, and each went on
> >> budget, then the town lost $57,000 in two days, lets say that
> >approximately
> >> 3/4 of the competitors had significant others and/or kids, most of the
> >> hotel rates wouldn't go up drastically, but other items would go up...
> >> town could Easily have lost over $80,000 in outside income...
> >>
> >> Trust me, the chamber of commerce won't like getting these letters....
> >>
> >> Dave