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Forwarded: Auto X Corvette for sale

Subject: Forwarded: Auto X Corvette for sale
From: <>
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2003 19:04:23 -0700
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------- Start of forwarded message -------
     From: "Sam Platt" <>
     Subject: Auto X Corvette for sale
     Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2003 16:00:01 -0600

For Sale:  I've run out of winter projects on my corvette (the
yellow/purple/green 1973 looking car), so I've decided to build
something new.  The car is currently set up for AP  at 2305 lbs, legal
for AP, BP (with ballast) or E Modified.  Has trophied at nationals 8
times since 1993 (in AP, BP and EM), including 3 first place finishes
and 2 second place finishes. These results are with an above average,
but not stellar driver.  This car is very well designed, set up and
sorted and easy to drive.  It would be difficult to find a car that is
more fun or exhilarating to drive on an autocross course.

There are to many details to list here but briefly the suspension is a
computer designed third generation front and rear suspension, no corners
cut or expenses spared. Everything on this car is near new (mostly one
or two seasons on all components) and in excellent shape.  Power by a no
expenses spared 385 cubic inch small block with 615 HP (flywheel) 510 HP
(rear wheels), 540 Lb/Ft of torque (flywheel), 445 (rear wheel).  The
bottom end and valve train are designed for 8000 rpm, although I have it
rev limited at 7400 RPM.

The car is fairly low maintenance and reliable.  It is available for
$25,000 with engine, or $15,000 less engine.  It would cost 2.5 to 3
times that to duplicate, and even then, it would be a long, difficult

For details, I can be contacted at

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