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Re: Dates for the 2004 SCCA SOLOII Nationals?

Subject: Re: Dates for the 2004 SCCA SOLOII Nationals?
From: John Lieberman <>
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2003 18:57:03 -0600
I just went through that same routine, Jim.  Topeka tells me it's 
September 14-17 with the Pro Nationals the preceding weekend.  Hope 
that's right because that's the week I've asked for!!!  8<{)

John (Old Fartz & TLS #37) Lieberman wrote:

> Some of us need to schedule vacations way in advance. I know that Nationals 
> are usually the 2nd week in September.
> What are the dates for 2004? The SCCA website is no help as usual.
> Thanks
> Jim

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