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Re: [evolution-disc.] Fw: Stagnating Classes, Castigating

To: <>, <>,
Subject: Re: [evolution-disc.] Fw: Stagnating Classes, Castigating
From: "J. Brett Howell" <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 23:41:10 -0400
The ever eloquent Mr. Peterson aptly pointed out that my finger control was
about on par with my car control on the North course last September...

What I meant to say was "The participation over the past few years has
proven that their is space for ST to fit neatly between Stock and SP, and SM
to fit between SP and Modified."

Darn fat fingers...I've been chasing my Tagalongs with Fudge-flavored Slim
Fast, and yet they are not getting any thinner. I think I need to start
eating some Weight Watchers desserts and taking Stacker 2...

----- Original Message ----- >
> In a message dated 7/15/03 10:12:54 PM,
> >The participation over the past few years has proven that the is a place
> >for ST to fit neatly between Stock and SP, and SP to fit between SP and
> >Modified.
> I think I know whatcha meant.  ; )
> CP

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