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Re: Proof non pcars can be at PCAr events (was: UD/BD)

To: "National Autocross Mailing List" <>,
Subject: Re: Proof non pcars can be at PCAr events (was: UD/BD)
From: "Todd Green" <>
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2003 07:31:14 -0600
> Nice to read a post by you Todd. I was wondering if you were still
> in AutoCross since you were obviously talented (was it Lemoore ProSolo a
> few years ago?).

Hey Randy, good to hear from you too!  I think I ran every western Nat
Tour/Pro event that year, including Nationals of course.

Unfortunately I had most of my SoloII stuff stolen, basically everything but
my car and tow vehicle/trailer in 2001 (trailer stolen in 2002), so that put
a damper (no pun intended) on my SoloII activities.

Still doing the regional points keeping, and will run a few local events
this year.  I should be at the Wendover Pro to say hello to everyone and
help out with the work.  Won't be running though.


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