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Pylon for June 2003

To: "Kelly, Katie" <>,
Subject: Pylon for June 2003
From: "John F. Kelly Jr." <>
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2003 16:45:40 -0400
The June 2003 issue of North American Pylon is in the mail on its way to
        This month we cover
        -Toledo National Tour, a "Most excellent" event;
        -Petersburg, VA, Pro Solo;
        -Nevada's North vs South (i.e. Reno vs. Las vegas);
        -We have a notice the Denver Tour and Pro Solo, Aug. 16-17 and Aug.
23-24, are cancelled. After we went to press we learned the two events have
been rescheduled for Forbes Field, Topeka, KS, on the same dates.
        -Atlanta Region at Turner Field. Twice.
        -Four events in Mazda's Rev-It-Up series;
        -Tar Heel SCC drives North to Virginia Motor Sports Park;
        -Colorado Region runs at Pikes Peak Raceway;
        -Old Dominion Region;
        -San Francisco Region runs at Candlestick Park, Marina (CA)
        -Cal Club runs at Norton AFBN (ret) in San Bernardiono, CA.
        -Virginia Motor Sports Club at Petersburg, VA.
        -American Auto-X Series (AAS) runs at Castle Field in Atwater, CA.

Plus columns by:
        Pat Kelly about Prepared "fading away;"
        Warren Leveque about Prepared "fading away;"  (is there a trend
        Lorenzo the Scribe about street tires with 180 wear numbers;
        Here's Kelly on Erik Strelnieks taking on two Rev-It-Up events.
Also why using well-marked courses delivers 1) safer events, 2) increasing
        Ben Thatcher on event formats. Ever thought about a Tournament
where EVERY run counts?;
        Guest column by Joe Weinstein on corner weights;
        Guest column by Paul Tibbals as he "over analyzes STS."

Plus our regular Autocross Calendar, Garage Sale, Cartoons, et cetera.

For more info, tour our web site at: <>
or buy a subscription by sending $24 (US$27.50 for Canadian residents) 
for 12 monthly issues to:
                North American Pylon
                P.O. Box 1203
                Pleasanton, CA 94566-0120
        Call 1-800-58-KELLY and charge the $24 to your Visa or MasterCard.
Call during west coast business hours, 9-5 PDT, M-F.
        FAX your Visa or MasterCard number to 1-925-846-0118. It operates
        Be sure to include your complete mailing address including ZIP

PS: We need a report on your club's next event.

--John Kelly, North American Pylon

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