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Re: Air Bags

Subject: Re: Air Bags
From: Bill Claypool <>
Date: Sat, 7 Jun 2003 12:21:09 -0700
On Wed, Oct 16, 2002 at 04:36:41PM -0400, Crider, James A. wrote:
" Prior to 1997, airbags in the US were, despite a "supplemental"
" designation, by *law* required to serve as the *sole* means of
" restraint of a 50th Percentile Male (approx 5'11", 185 lbs),
" **UNbelted**, in a 31mph frontal collision with a fixed barrier
" (roughly equivalent of a 60 mph head-on between two similar cars).

Actually, it is very nearly equivalent to a head-on between two
similar cars each going 31mph.  Onle the fact that some of the parts
will entangle and bypass each other make it not identical.

Bill Claypool            |  Seeing is believing in the things you see. |    Loving is believing in the ones you love.
RKBA!                    |                                  -Margie Adam

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