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Re: timing eyes

To: John Lieberman <>
Subject: Re: timing eyes
From: Kevin Stevens <>
Date: Sun, 1 Jun 2003 15:00:50 -0700
On Sunday, Jun 1, 2003, at 13:56 US/Pacific, John Lieberman wrote:

> Here I go adding to my posting count again!!!!!  8<{)
> You might want to try going to Radio Shack and getting some of their
> door-entry infrared units.  They're only good for about 30 feet and
> their time constant leaves a lot to be desired when compared with
> RaceAmerica or JACircuits.  But they're fairly cheap, reliable, and can
> be powered from either 110v AC or 12v DC.
> We (Red River Region) used them quite successfully with our (VERY) old
> Taag Heuer timing system for many years before we bought our new
> RaceAmerica system.  (Thank you, Dennis!!!!)  We put them in black
> plastic mail boxes with the solid end cut off.  They were attached to
> the doors so they could be accessed for adjustment.  We also drilled
> 1/4-inch holes in the top of each mail box so we could see the red LEDs
> on the Radio Shack sensors.

These are suitable for timing accuracy to .001?


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