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B-Stock 350Z Co-Drive available

To: <>, <>
Subject: B-Stock 350Z Co-Drive available
From: "Chris Hammond" <>
Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 13:27:21 -0500
I am looking for a co-driver for my Daytona Blue 350Z Enthusiast for the
remainder of the year in B-Stock. 
I will be at the Peru NT, and Nationals, along with a possible Peru
ProSolo entry if someone wanted. I currently am researching wheels/tires
and plan to have a set ready for the Peru NT. The car could also be
available for the final two Midiv Solotime Series events (June/August),
as well as the upcoming Solotime event this weekend.
If you are interested let me know, we can work out arrangements.
Chris Hammond
St. Louis <> 

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