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RE: Slick Classes Run Later

To: <>
Subject: RE: Slick Classes Run Later
From: "Bruce Haden" <>
Date: Thu, 15 May 2003 15:48:10 -0700
What I was getting at was that there is an assumption that the
cars are the quiet ones and are therefore the ones allowed to run in the
morning. That is, however, not reality......  ;-)

I'm on the digest so someone else may already have responded to this but

just in case I thought I would respond to clear this up.

In San Diego at the Stadium we have a contract that says we will not run

over 87 or 89db before 11:00am and not over 93db later in the day.  That
the reason that most Mod and Prepared cars run in the afternoon.  As a 
matter of fact a few years ago someone stated that PAX should also run
11 because of the ability of those same cars to be in that class as
The fact that Mod and Prepared cars run later has nothing to do with the

fact that it is better for them to do that.  It is also better for those
us in stock classes to run later, as the best course conditions
occur between 11am and 2:30pm but we seldom if ever get to do so.  It's
based on sound requirements, no more and no less.  As far as which cars
loudest...... I'm definately not going there.   Nope not going to do it

Bruce Said:
FYI to all. At least here in San Diego our contract with the Stadium is
such that "race-prepped" cars (I don't know the exact language) can't
run before 11:00 or something like that. That requirement would skew any
stats you might have. It's kind of silly since most of the really loud
cars seem to be in Stock and SP. The Mod and Prepared cars usually have
to go the extra mile to be quiet enough around here (93 dba @ 50') and
the S and SP guys seem to go the extra mile to get louder. ;-)

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