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Fw: Subaru Roll-Over in Mineral Wells??

To: <>
Subject: Fw: Subaru Roll-Over in Mineral Wells??
From: "justJOE" <>
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2003 09:48:46 -0500
Hello all..

Here are the details of the event
 I am pasting in the email I got.


> =============================
> email start
> =============================
> From Suby board:
> WRX Rolled during Autocross
> ---*---
> "Porsche Weekend Wrap-up - A modified Subaru WRX
> FLIPPED OVER! Seriously.... based on the part of the
> course where he flipped over, no one knows why he
> *chose* to flip over, but he did. It was in a
> semi-arcing sweeper, in such a way that I only had to
> brake lightly, but I was at wide open throttle at that
> section. The WRX had "appeared" somewhat fishy in the
> part of the corner station where I was working - every
> time he braked for this Chicago box, his car would
> wiggle like a fish or the phat Gwenyth Paltrow in
> Shallow Hal. Any how, that was corner 3, in corner
> six, he was going down the semi-arcing sweeper (we
> could not see it from corner 3), but he either
> downshifted wrong or forgot to brake and turn, but he
> spun sideways into the grass, and his car flipped
> over! I am imagining that his two side wheels dug into
> the dirt and he had enough momentum to flip over.
> (Even after a "safety review" the course was not
> changed at all by unanimous decision by the Porsche
> club officers and participants - it really was almost
> a straight line and he must've fallen asleep) His
> driver side is completely crumpled, and the car ended
> up on its hood and roof, crushing the front part of
> the roof slightly and depressing the hood down, and
> the windshield was all smashed in. About 20 corner
> workers flipped the car back over and the guy was able
> to drive it to the pits where a fellow Truck and
> Trailer owner agreed to trailer it back home for him
> (after he was done with his racing of course!!)
> Although it rolled once, it looked surprisingly good -
> at least one good testament to the Subaru WRX. The
> passenger side was untouched and if you only looked at
> the passenger side, you'd never know... the roof
> structure didn't cave in - it looked really good
> considering what happened. Anyhow, the course went on
> and no incidents at all, it really really was a freak
> occurrence, more so probably because of driver error -
> or possibly mechanical failure...."
> =====
> Some additional input from an attendee:
> It was the AX, a course that used the whole paved area out at Mineral
> Very long and very, very fast. Topped out in 3rd, which is ~100MPH. The
> course ran CCW with a very long slalom down the back straight
> into a sweeper towards the north end. Reports are that he started losing
> control early in this sweepeer, went off into the fields sideways, caught
> lot of mud, bounced up and flipped over.
> =============================
> email end
> =============================

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