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RE: Insurance for a new driver?

To: "Scott M. Stone" <>
Subject: RE: Insurance for a new driver?
From: "Brian Porter" <>
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 15:34:57 -0500
> Huh????? You marry a 16-year-old or something?  Insurance companies
> > typically don't give a flying intercourse about driving experience,
> > they look at DOB and compute temporal age, not time with a license.
> > Hell, she's got a squeaky-clean driving record!
> she's 22.  And that's good to hear, about the insurance... although I
> think Allstate does it differently, my premiums go down based on the
> number of years I've had my license.

I believe Safe Driver's Insurance Plan (SDIP) is used nationally by
insurance companies to determine/track risk/premium charges. The point
system is based on time possessing a driver's license, driving record and is
not associated with operator age directly. Each year with a clean record
reduces the SDIP number..

Before that (and in Taxachusetts anyway) attendence in driver training
enabled licensing 6 mo early and a slight credit towards premium. (when I
was a youngin' it was 16.5 vs. 17.. I think that's changed though) I also
think the credit applied by taking a course applies to anyone w/o 6 years of
driving experience too.. Too bad they don't require effective training (like
autox) but I digress..

My premiums dropped dramatically after I passed the 6 year driving mark,
seeing nearly 50% reduction in premiums. (which I quickly fixed, I thought a
higher score was better?!?! <g>) My fiance, who was licensed two years
later, had to wait to see the same reduction.

Hope this helps.


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