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First Gear replaces Speed Freakz

To: ".Team.Net" <>
Subject: First Gear replaces Speed Freakz
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 15:44:41 -0600
>From the  SCCA news release that came out after the Convention....

"As a part of the new campaign, the SCCA announced its new youth-oriented
program called "First Gear," which replaces the current Speed Freakz
program. The new program offers a discounted membership and benefits for
individuals 21 and under."

In discussion on this on the Wheel to Wheel list, I posted the following:

>>>The one aspect I disagree with is reducing the age to 21 and under. I
thought the original age of 25 and under was brilliant. One group we really
should reach to is the college student, and he is still in college past age
21. College students are a demographic which can be expected to be upscale,
will rank higher on the income scales and be more able to devote resources
to toys like our cars -- but at the time of actually being a college student
still tends to be impoverished and in debt. By making SCCA financially
available through his college years, we would be more likely to retain the
member than if we tell him he suddenly has to pay 2-3 times as much for his
membership about his junior year.

>>>We're not just after kids, we're after YOUNG people with this program.
people for whom $65 or more in dues is more than they can justify. And
people of that age group who are not in college are those working for
minimum wage in entry-level jobs and equally poor. Nice thing about the age
25 cutoff, it matches a time when incomes typically increase (the
entry-level joe has enough time in to be promoted; the college kid
graduates, perhaps with a masters, and begins earning a living, etc.).

Most responses were quite positive. The only caveat anyone replied with I
agree with -- if you want a competition license (club racing, pro rally,
etc.) you should be a full member. Otherwise, First Gear should be able to
do anything else -- hold a worker license, do Solo II up to and including
Natiolnals, ditto road rally, etc.

I sent my W2W response also as a note to the Board of Directors
( Got a nice reply from Area 1's Kathy Barnes, who did not
just jump in and agree, but did enable the dialogue -- also important.

Thought this a good Team.Net topic also, since this side of the club is
often the entry conduit to younger potential members.

--Rocky Entriken

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