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Re: 350Z Vs. Boxster and S2000

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: 350Z Vs. Boxster and S2000
From: "Brian Berryhill" <>
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 23:14:56 -0600
> Comparison between the S2000 and the Boxster are very close, this includes
> Torque, HP and weight, and we have seen that these 2 cars are very
> competitive
> But the specifications and test results of the Nissan 350Z  Just do not
> indicate that the placement of this vehicle should be in the class.

Just remember that weight/power ratios aren't applicable to autocross.  The
Z may be faster in a straight line by a little bit, but the extra weight
will be the normalizer.  Momentum courses might favor the S2k.  Stop and go
type courses might favor the Z.

> A recent comparison done in the Road and Track Magazine places the 350Z in
> the same class as the 911 Targa and the Z06. I certainly dont believe that
> the 350 Z belongs in SS but it is closer to an AS car at the Least.

I haven't read the article, but I find it hard to believe a 350Z could
compete with a 911 or Z06.  I think BS is a good place.  My 2nd choice would
be FS.


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