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Re: Modified classes/karts

To: marc smith <>
Subject: Re: Modified classes/karts
From: Steven Fooshee <>
Date: Sat, 01 Feb 2003 10:00:22 -0600
marc smith wrote:
> Hi folks.
> I was wondering
> has anyone ever used  a bmw motorcycle drive train for karts or for 
> modified cars?
> On top of my CRX project,  I am looking at a 1986 bmw K100 motorcycle 
>  1000cc inline 4  that has significant bodywork damage, but no frame 
> damage.  Just wonding if a modified car is possible/doable with this 
> setup.  bmws do have shaft drive. which might be one(of many) hiccups

BMW motorcycle engines have a very low power to weight ratio. It's nice for it 
to be 
that understressed if you want to roll a quarter-million mikes on your bike 
(like my 
friend has), but not the best thing for a race car. The possibility of a low 
center of 
gravity from having the engine laid down is nullified by the tall oil sump and 
Driving is easy.
All you have to do is put the car in the right place with the right velocity.

"I think that my computer must have a virus.  All of your puncutation and
capital letters have been taken out of your post.  Either that, or you're
-Keith Wells

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