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F1 Grand Prix

To: <;>
Subject: F1 Grand Prix
From: "Eric Linnhoff" <>
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2002 14:44:49 -0500
One question.  What are those two (or sometimes just one) bowed strap
looking things on the ground that each driver drove over when coming to a
stop in their pit areas?  I want to say they are either static grounding
straps or simply visual guides for the drivers to use in order to properly
place their car in the pit area for the crew's benefit.

Kinda cheesy though, Michael letting Rubens by for the win on the last lap.
Oh well, I'll keep cheering for Jaun Paul to win the next race.

Eric Linnhoff in KC
"Water's wet, the sky is blue and old Satan Claus Jimmy, he's out there and
he's just gettin' stronger."
"So what do we do about that?"
"Be prepared son that's my motto, be prepared"

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