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RE: minor rant

To: "Evolution" <>,
Subject: RE: minor rant
From: "Knuckledragger" <>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2002 15:30:31 -0500
It sounds like the bottom line, as far as I'm concerned, is that they've
already written my fine up on a deposit slip to put into the city coffers.

The suck-ass part is that if I try to fight it, even if I win, it will cost
far more than the original fine in time and research.  if I lose and am
still fond guilty it'll cost more than the original fine too.  Definitely a
damned if you do and damned if you don't situation.  I wasn't doing anything
aggressive or dangerous.  I just happened to be the one guy, caught at the
one time during my daily commute when I following too closely for the
officer's comfort, though not entirely my fault, who now gets to make a
donation towards the city's annual budgeted income figure.

I'm not worried about any points against my license since this is my first
moving violation in over 10 years, but it still sucks.  The only good part
was that the officer was very respectful and non-confrontational about the
whole thing.

I just wonder........what would've happened if, as I was pulling off the
freeway, I had slammed on my brakes, autensibly to avoid that bunny rabbit
running across the exit ramp, and due to his too-close following distance,
the officer ran right into the back of my car?  Would he too then get a
ticket for following too closely or would I get a ticket for imprudent
driving?  In our area a rear-ender is automatically the fault of the
trailing driver for following too closely.  Either way, I guess that's not a
test to perform with a car that you like.

Eric Linnhoff in KC
"Water's wet, the sky is blue and old Satan Claus Jimmy, he's out there and
he just gettin' stronger"
"So what do we do about that?"
"Be prepared son that's my motto, be prepared"

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