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Short seating at banquets (was Re: First Nationals - any AM

To: "Danny Castillo" <>, <>
Subject: Short seating at banquets (was Re: First Nationals - any AM
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2002 13:53:38 -0500
----- Original Message -----
From: "Danny Castillo" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 11:34 AM
Subject: First Nationals - any AM video

> Hey Gang,
> Just wanted to shout out a big thank you to all the people that were so
> friendly and helpful to me.  The only bummer was the Wednesday banquet
> there were not enough seats and we were forced to eat at Burger King.

Oh, now, you weren't FORCED to eat at Burger King. You coulda gone to the
Blind Tiger. :-)

But seriously, it happened Friday night too. And somehow this seems goofy.
Better to put out a few extra tables that aren't filled. There was room. The
meals are a lot better (remember the first year?) but at $20 per -- the
extra-meal price -- they don't have to cut it that fine. At the least, have
some extra tables behind the curtain they could roll out.

But another thing -- people reserving seats they don't use! We found a
10-seat table Friday with six seats reserved (napkins over the seats) and
took the other four. Those six people NEVER came back all evening. A table
next to ours had four seats similarly reserved that went unused. That's a
whole empty table because of pure thoughtlessness. Probably found friends
somewhere else and sat with them. Later we learned two of our friends --
attending their first Nationals -- could not find seats and left (and then,
on Friday, could not find a restaurant with less than a 2-hour wait). They
saw the six empties at our table, but assumed someone was coming for them.

People, if you save a seat, use it! If you decide to sit somewhere else, go
back and un-save that first one. Other people cannot read your mind (and
likely don't even know whose mind to read).

New worker position: Maitre'd -- his job is to be handy (and easily
recognizable) to coordinate with the Expocentre to get extra tables and
chairs out if needed, and otherwise assist in finding seats.

At least it meant we had enough salad dressing.


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