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Re: Message Replying

To: "Mark J Bradakis" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Message Replying
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 21:41:51 -0500
If I were to guess, the other list would be the Evolution-Discussion list.
Several send the same message to both lists, get replies that have both list
addresses. Hit "reply to all" and you get a bounce from the Evo list if you
are not a member of that list (I do anyway .. I just delete it with the
other deletes; If it seems pertinent, I give permission to forward to the
Evo if anyone cares. "Reply to all" should still get it to the original
sender, and you can always delete any addresses out of your "to" field
before sending.).


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark J Bradakis" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 8:04 PM
Subject: Re: Message Replying

>     Could somebody tell me an easy way of replying to messages off
>     of instead of subscribing to the other list and getting
>     all those messages and replying that way?
> I don't understand this at all.  What other list?  What other way of
> To send a message to the list you send a message to
> address.  If you want to include parts of a previous
> message from someone else, you use your editing tools to include the parts
> you need to include.  The actual keystrokes to accomplish that depend on
> mailer you use.  Of course, you may get a keystroke sequence from some
> soul who thinks that every computer and every mail program in the world is
> just like theirs, which may or may not be helpful to you.
> mjb.

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