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FM xmitters, was: Radio Reception

To: <>
Subject: FM xmitters, was: Radio Reception
From: "Brian Berryhill" <>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2002 23:32:09 -0500
What kind of FM transmitters do "they" use at Nationals?  Any chance I could
get in touch with "them" to ask some questions?  I did some research a while
back trying to find one for our local club, but didn't get a lot of user
input.  So, I assume I wouldn't go wrong with a system with the "good enough
for Nationals" seal of approval.


> Yeah, the course announcers were coming in strong earlier in the week when
> got north course just fine sitting in the paddock. But on the moment in
> question, they just were not broadcasting. My point being only that they
> were not there ALL THE TIME, and therefore the fact of the radio
> of the courses cannot be cited as a reliable resource to ensure everyone
> could be on grid a half-hour ahead of time.

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