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Response from Kai

Subject: Response from Kai
From: Paul Parkanzky <>
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 08:48:14 -0400
Kai has asked me to post this to the list, as he is having a problem making 
posts himself:

thank you for your opinions and believe me, i've heard them before and i
honestly do understand them. please, give me the benefit of the doubt and
understand that i have my reasons for initially fighting the ticket and why
i continue to want to fight it on appeal. really, i'm not the moral or
ethical desolate wasteland that i may appear to be to some of you. i may be
vindicative, but not morally/ethically clueless. i'm not perfect but i do
take responsibility for my actions. i have my reasons.
just for the sake of humour, one could say i'm fighting this ticket this
time because i've bent over and taken tickets in the past on account of not
knowing better. truth be told, those tickets are definitely easier won than
this one. and yes, i knoe i've probaly broken the law more technically (via
speeding) than i've ever gotten caught for so that's a bad excuse. its not
my excuse at all anyway.
but again, that's not the point here. rather, let's say i wasn't speeding at
all here and i was fighting this ticket. if this behaviour of the
prosecution/judge/courts is indicative of how they handle all contested
tickets, wouldn't you feel that there is something to fight for here, that
its not right for the court to violate laws in the exercise of justice? i
knoe my case isn't particularly sympathetic in the sense of karma, but at
some point or another, there's a cause for fighting a system that wrongfully
sticks it to you, that tramples over your legal and lawful rights as a
citizen. if this was an issue of karma, we'd never deserve the protections
that we are accorded nor the restrictions placed upon the system to protect
us from their abuses.
if nothing else, consider this an intellectual legal thought-exercise. i
seek advice and insights other than the obvious, such as getting a lawyer.
by no means do i intend this to be a retort or insult to those of you who
have responded. i thank you whole-heartedly for your time and attention, but
as much as i may deserve to be flamed, i ask again that you give me the
benefit of the doubt when this court/judge has not, and may have even gone
unlawfully further. if i was wrong, the court has adequate resources to
prove such, but they have no justification nor need in doing wrong to me. as
the old adage goes, two wrongs do not make a right.

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