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RE: Kai's Speeding Ticket

To: Patrick Washburn <>, "Team.Net"
Subject: RE: Kai's Speeding Ticket
From: Bob Monday <>
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 10:05:25 -0700 (PDT)
C'mon, Pat. It's just like the lottery, except with a better chance of
"winning". They both generate the revenue needed to keep our great
country safe!


I still think that tickets should have a scratch-off to determine your
guilt/innocence and fine.

Bob "I've not won THAT lottery lately, though I play it regulary"

--- Patrick Washburn <> wrote:
> OMG that's funny!  So, traffic penalties = taxes.  Since they are
> taxes, it
> is our American duty to avoid them?  As a bonus, this is ethically
> acceptable.  Man, we need more people like you running this country!

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