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Re: [evolution-disc.] Paypal help (You knew this was coming)

To: <>,
Subject: Re: [evolution-disc.] Paypal help (You knew this was coming)
From: "Eric Linnhoff" <>
Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2002 22:35:53 -0500
----- Original Message -----
> There are no fees when you transfer cash from your account, which is now
> what you have. They only charge a fee when the money sent is drawn from a
> credit card.
> I carry a small balance in my paypal account so YOU don't get charged a
> Bruce
Doesn't matter if you have a "Premier" account with Paypal.  With a
"Premier" account you can accept credit cards, but at a price.  Paypal
charges you a small fee + a percentage of the dollar amount transacted for
_any_ funds you receive through Paypal whether they came as direct transfers
or credit card payments.

For my payment in particular, which was directly transferred from my
checking account, Paypal will claim that it takes time for the money to be
"released" from my bank into theirs, and then put back into my account.
Hogwash.  Direct transfers take mere seconds as evidenced by a lot of
businesses' procedure of returing your check to you just seconds after you
wrote it to them, the money already having been transferred electronically
from your bank to theirs.  In reality what's happening is that Paypal holds
onto the money for a few days and earns a wee bit of interest off of it,
before they'll return it to me, and after charging me a fee for being a
"Premier" account holder.

So, of the $50 I sent in I'll get back about $46.  Oh well, $4 was worth the
chance to see Jim's smiling face in Topeka.  :^)

For those that might be wondering, yes I was in Topeka today.  Phil Osborne
(your Paddock Chief) and I marked about 70% of the parking spots with some
"less than permanent" sideline-type marking chalk rattle cans and then went
to dinner at about 7pm.  When we came out of Pizza Hut, a torrential
downpour, complete with pea sized hail, soon erupted from the skies.  Ahh,
only in Kansas can there be 100 degree heat and hail in the same freaking
day.  :^\

I just hope for Phil's sake, since I can't/won't be back out there until
Friday, that the lines weren't completely erased as it took one HELLUVA long
time to lay them out.  Why oh why couldn't we use regular old spray paint
that would easily withstand a downpour?  Hell, the lines from last year were
still visible as was Dennis Grant's/Buschur Racing's shoe polish
"reservation" mark.  ;^)

Eric Linnhoff in KC
"Water's wet, the sky is blue and old Satan Claus Jimmy, he's out there and
he's just gettin' stronger."
"So what do we do about that?"
"Be prepared son that's my motto, be prepared"

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