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DTN? Me???

Subject: DTN? Me???
From: "James A. Crider" <>
Date: Wed, 04 Sep 2002 14:56:09 -0400
On Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2002 08:21:10 -0700 (PDT), Matt Murray
<> said:

>Jim is more than half way to Nationals. This is great!
>Now I just need to here from Jim himself. Someone go
>over and wake him up.  :^)
>Matt Murray
>11:23 Wednesday 9/4

Wow.  I just got the digest (some time after a room-share offer from Susan
Delzell) with this in it.  Matt, my friend, and all those who have
contributed, I am deeply honored and touched by the sentiment.

Unfortunately, as I told Susan, I cannot accept this honor.  I have some
interviews scheduled next week that I have some Very Positive Vibes about,
and I do not want to reschedule.  Furthermore, my lovely and supremely
patient wife, Karen, has been busting her behind, working every scrap of
overtime she can get and putting all *her* priorities to the back burner to
keep us afloat during my unplanned downtime.  It would be somewhere beyond
cruel and deep into inexcuseable if I were to head off to Kansas for a week
of frolic under those circumstances.

I will not do that to her.

So, there you go.  I would suggest that donors either hold on to their
money for next year's DTN effort (with some more advanced planning) or
donate the funds to a suitable charity (and the Team.Net Server Fund is
certainly suitable to me if no other is found).

Again, a big "thank you" to all of you and particularly to Matt Murray for
instigating.  I'm honored and humbled that so many would want to basically
*give* me a good time.  I'm not sure what I've done to earn such as that,
but I will continue to try to be worthy.


Jim Crider

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