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Re: large timer displays

To: <>
Subject: Re: large timer displays
From: "Alan Pozner" <>
Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2002 16:36:20 -0500
There are really 2 choices:

LED - RaceAmerica
Flipping numbers - Chronomix / JACircuits

LED Pros - lower cost, requires less power, more reliable especially in
weather extremes. more programmable (can display most letters of the
Cons - not as readable at very long distances (more than 200 feet)

Flip Pros - Readable, available in several configurations of numbers and
Cons - cost, reliability, power consumption, limited to only numbers.

Most important - which is compatible with your current timer?

We chose LED and have been very happy with it.

Alan Pozner
Susquehanna region

>      Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2002 12:34:03 -0500
>      From: Jeff Blumenthal <>
>      Subject: large timer displays
> Our club is looking to get a large timer display, like those used to
> display run times for drivers/spectators at Nationals and large events.
> I've seen the "flip" number types and LED types. Any leads and opinions
> on which type is best would be appreciated.
> Thanks!
>  -Jeff Blumenthal
>   FM #14 KBS Mk7
> ------- End of forwarded message -------

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