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RE: Autocross questions

To: "''" <>,,
Subject: RE: Autocross questions
From: Danny Castillo <>
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 13:33:43 -0700
Thank you very much.  I am going to try the demo.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2002 3:46 AM
Subject: Re: Autocross questions

In a message dated 2/1/02 7:42:48 PM Eastern Standard Time, DHutter writes:

Hi Dave, 

I looked at the results on your website and was impressed.  How did you get
the results in that format?  

I am pretty new to solo 2 and have been tasked to find ways to improve our
timing and scoring options for our region.  Right now we have a setup with
beams and a clock that keeps four simultaneous times.  The scorer writes
down the time for each car on a card that is given out at registration.  The
results are later tabulated and Pax is calculated.  Problem is the scores
are not known at the track. So no-one knows how they did.

If you could give me some tips on a better system I would be much obliged! 


Danny Castillo 


It's easy!

1. Go to this link to download a free demo of AutoX T/S software by Rob

2. Click Download

3. Click on Download Standard Demo (also download and print Manual)

4. Copy file downloaded to a new folder named AutoX or AutoXTS (your pick)

5. Run autox.exe

6. Answer Y to the questions.

7. Read manual.

I think you could actually run an event with the demo. I think the only
thing disabled is the yearly points module (I might be wrong as I started
with the '97 demo). Once you see how great it works you will gladly pay
$245.00 for the full version. 


Real time reports on the fly during an event (we use an Epson Dot Matrix
Printer-cheap on supplies-requires AC power)

Event Results (class & pax) as quick as your printer can print it out!

Class Points and PAX points in less than 10 keystrokes!!! Compared to
several evenings after work!

More Reports (Event & Database) than you will believe! Great for exporting
to your favorite mailing label program!

Extra Work:

Event setup-takes about 5 minutes once you get the feel.

Must enter event attendees into database- (1 time deal...once in the
database you just need to enter Run Group) We at GCAC have eliminated paper
registration, a tech card can be printed with one keystroke at registration.
The Tech Card has all driver info, required accounting and Tech fields and
manual time and penalty lines per run. We have never needed them for T&S as
the system has never failed since its inception in 1998, but they are there
in case you need to revert to the pencil to finish an event as we use a
manual run log for backup and verification. GCAC also uses the Network
version so we can register on up to 8 PC's (hub limit) at the same time! We
use 4 and have no problem registration over a 100 drivers per event when the
PC's are manned.

Enter Cars for staging-Car comes up, you enter the car number!

Enter Penalties-Penalty called in, you select the car (up to 8 can be staged
at the same time) and enter the penalty with penalty keys. Quick an easy as
using a pencil. Also you can remove a penalty just as easy any time you need
to and the results update automatically!

Enter Time-Only needed if your timer doesn't already do it for you as ours
at GCAC. JACircuits Timer that we use is totally hands free with the
software. If you do need to reset a start or stop the software automatically
adjusts for it! In the case of a non compatible timer you just enter the
times manually as the car crosses the finish line.

If you run a generator any Pentium based PC will do. Without a generator you
need a battery, laptop PC and a DC powered printer for the results. GCAC
prints updated results every 15 minutes during an event.

We at Gulfcoast Autocrossers Limited highly endorse AutoX T/S software by
Rob Gregg. Also if you do plan to use it feel free to email to me anything
you need answered. Someday I hope Rob will have a discussion group attached
to his site for this.

We also endors JACircuits

John Taylor
Webmaster/PC Nerd/A/Mod wannabe/Florida B/P Champion '00,'01

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