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Re: Autocross Safety Statistics - Help...

Subject: Re: Autocross Safety Statistics - Help...
From: John Lieberman <>
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 18:50:49 -0600
Perhaps I can help here, Stan.

Go to:
and then go to the little grey window in the lower right hand corner of
the page titled "Safety Belt."  There, you will find all four 2001
issues of the Safety Belt in PDF format for your perusal.  Solo Safety
Committee member Dick Topping has taken all of the Incident Reports
we've received during the year and compiled them into an Excel
spreadsheet.  A lot of the data that he has compiled is contained in
articles that he's submitted to me for publication in the Safety Belt.

The bottom line is that we run about 1000 Solo II events every year -
nationwide - plus I don't know how many Solo I events.  The incident
reports that we on the SSC receive cover both.  But, if you just take
Solo II and multiply those 1000 events by a theoretical average of 100
entries per event - nationwide - you get 100,000 entries.  Then, give
each of those entries an average of 3 runs per event, and you've got
300,000 Solo II runs.  I THINK we received a total of 62 Incident
Reports in 2001 - and many of those were QUITE minor or involved things
that happened at Solo I events.  We had no fatalities and no critical
injuries.  We did have one driver who suffered a fatal heart attack, but
that could have happened while he was sitting in his living room,
walking down the sidewalk, or driving home from work.  

That's not to say that Solo II is totally safe.  NO form of motorsport
competition is TOTALLY safe.  But, through the efforts of our Safety
Community (read that: all of our licensed Solo Safety Stewards and
everybody else who cares about safety) we're doing our dead-level best
to make our events as safe as humanly possible without taking away the
"fun factor."

The work of your Solo Safety Committee is no secret.  We WANT everybody
to be aware of what we're doing and to help spread the safety message. 
The Safety Belt is mailed out every three months to every licensed Solo
Safety Steward in the SCCA as well as to all REs and every member of the
Solo Field Staff.  And it's made available on the SCCA website so every
one of our 61,000 members can read it.  I'm not real happy with the
multiple links it takes to get to it right now, but hopefully we can
simplify that this year.

Hope that helps

John (Old Fartz & TLS #37) Lieberman
Member, SSC
Editor, The Safety Belt wrote:
> Have you ever tried to quickly explain to a layperson that autocross is very,
> very safe compared to other forms of Motorsport?
> Are any actual, credible statistics available?  Especially compared to other
> sports or activities or regular driving or flying or skiing for that matter.
> Thanks.
> Stan

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