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Re: Spectators, TV, and such

To: <>
Subject: Re: Spectators, TV, and such
From: "Jay Mitchell" <>
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 13:03:32 -0600 wrote:

> Well, count me in as one of those who would very much like to
> spectators and TV involved in the sport.

Consider yourself counted.

> My reasons why are very simple and straightforward - a good
sized chunk of
> my operation is subsidized by sponsors.

I could offer several alternative suggestions, then. I would also
observe that you just admitted to having a vested interest in
seeing things turn out a certain way, and that your interests do
not necessarily coincide with those of a majority of Solo II

> There's a far easier and cheaper way to start building up a fan
base: set
> up some cheap bleachers, mark off the spectator areas with some
snow fence,
> blah, blah...

So all we need, then, are sites with additional space that won't
be needed for course, paddock, or grid, another two dozen or so
workers to man ticket booths, take care of crowd control,
bleachers, chain link fencing, etc., etc. Yep, all it would take
is time and money. And people. Lots of all of the above...

> With a bare minimum of promotion, I'd bet we could pull an easy
> spectators to the average ProSolo,

Let's say, for the sake of argument, that the above estimate is
not the self-serving fantasy that it would at first glance appear
to be. In the first place, the "average ProSolo" probably doesn't
come close to having enough room to accommodate an extra 1000
folks. And, even if you find room, who's gonna manage 'em? You
know, give directions, keep 'em away from the hot grid and course
areas, enforce no-alcohol rules (race fans never drink, right?

> and if the facilities to support them
> were at all halfway decent, I bet we could retain half of them.

And if you gave me a million bucks,  I'd have a million more than
I do right now.

> All that seems to be lacking is the will to actually TRY it.

Interesting that you equate "will" so directly with "money." The
required investment greatly exceeds the resources available to
most Regions, and it would have to be considered a major risk
under any circumstances.

If an independent businessperson could be enticed to construct an
autocross-specific facility, complete with bleachers, fencing,
etc., allow us to use it for no more than our other sites
typically cost, and provide paid personnel to take care of ticket
sales, crowd management, concessions, etc., we'd get a chance to
see if you're right. Any takers out there?


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